The Comet Hotel
Staying Active During Your Stay
As a guest of The Comet, you receive free access to the wide array of sports facilities at Hertfordshire Sport Village. Work out in the gym, enjoy a relaxing swim at the end of your working day, or maybe entertain the kids? With the latest fitness equipment and technology coupled with highly experienced staff members, Hertfordshire Sports Village is the perfect place to spend your precious leisure time. Facilities include:
110+ station gym
Large free weights area
Multi-functional training rig
Over 60 classes
2 fully equipped studios
25 metre, 8 Lane Pool
Performance and Bodybalance Physio
Impressive 12 metre high wall
Match-quality racquet courts
New Generation Astro Pitches
Situated on the de Havilland campus just 2 minutes walk from Reception, the facilities are available to guests Monday–Friday: 6:30am-10:30pm, and Saturday & Sunday: 8:00am-7:00pm